Thursday, July 10, 2008

BBC 中文網 | 港台消息 | 香港無“美女”?

BBC 中文網 | 港台消息 | 香港無“美女”?:
BBC中文網特約撰稿人 舒非:








其實在上述國家和地區中,香港女性的社會地位一直是名列前茅的。香港歷來都有女高官多的傳統,從當年的鄧蓮如、陳方安生到 今天的范徐麗泰、梁愛詩、廖秀冬等,以及現在活躍在政界的余若薇、吳靄儀、劉慧卿。要數名字隨時可以舉出一大串,就別說還有各行各業的高層管理人員,還有 那些女律師、女會計師、女醫生等專業人士了。


由於如此,香港人一般都不會有"重男輕女"的情況。在一般家庭中,父母對兒子、女兒一視同仁,同樣珍惜,受同樣的教育,得到一樣的栽培。還有一個有趣的現 象,香港的慈善機構"保良局",一直有辦理申請領養兒童的服務。如果你領養的是男孩,很快就能申請到。假如你申請領養女孩,對不起,慢慢等,因為等女孩的 排著長隊。

再說回最先的調查,香港女性不認為自己"漂亮"或者"性感",反而認為自己"簡單自然",這裡還有一個原因。漂亮的外表大半是為了吸引異性,香港女子自然也需要吸引異性,但是她 們不想在外表上下那麼大的功夫(至少不那麼明目張膽)--塗脂抹粉、花枝招展、用盡方法去取悅異性,她們寧願"簡單自然"地讓喜歡的男人來到身邊。說到 底,能沉得住氣,還真是需要多一點自信。


1. "在一般家庭中,父母對兒子、女兒一視同仁,同樣珍惜,受同樣的教育,得到一樣的栽培。"
騙人!明明重男輕女還是有很多,僅挑有利事實講嗎?領養去內地好了,女孩沒人要(甚至還會被淹死)。 > <

2. "塗脂抹粉、花枝招展、用盡方法去取悅異性,她們寧願"簡單自然"地讓喜歡的男人來到身邊。說到 底,能沉得住氣,還真是需要多一點自信。 "
是亦舒吧~ >///< 但是到底要怎麼樣"簡單自然"地讓喜歡的男人來到身邊呢…哭哭


I have met such beautiful girl myself.. whom has described herself as 'simple'. I was attracted by her smile at first but later this has turned into admiration. From our meetings,she is not pretentious nor ostentatious, but one can sense the ambition through her talk. I would describe her as a combination of 'Mona lisa' and a modern 'post expressionist' painting.
philip , hong kong

what a beautiful story, 好像活在亦舒的小說裡。

香港女人不說自己美應該從幾個方面看: 1、口上謙虛,實則很美:這是自信的表現。--不和別人爭美。這些人也不會刻意地去修飾自己,或者拼命吸引別人的眼球。這種女人香港有不少。 2、永遠覺得自己還不夠美:這是自卑的表現。--看著電視上的明星,總覺得自己沒有她們好,夢想著變成她們的樣兒,整天跟自己那張臉過去不。香港大街上為 了使皮膚鮮嫩,不惜換皮﹔為了使身體纖瘦,不惜挨餓﹔為了趕時髦,不惜四季黑衣的女人也不少。 3、確實看重自然隨意的風格:難說這是自卑還是自信。因為這種人很可能是刻意地追求。如果是刻意,即使效果是自然隨意,也有可能是自卑的表現,畢竟背後是 時尚或故意反時尚的心理在作怪。無論是時尚還是反時尚,都是脫不了時尚的左右。同樣,所謂的獨立和自強,如果是伴隨了刻意地標榜自己能幹,為了女權而女 權,為了跟男人斗氣兒斗氣,那根本不是真的獨立和自強。刻意於不刻意的分界線,在於是否是做給別人看,是否要給自己貼上標簽。從這裡的很多回帖看,二者都 有。 4、為了表現自己比大陸人高一等:從這篇文章的回帖看,確實有這樣的人存在。其實原貼中並沒有可以跟大陸比較,但是不少香港回帖不但主動拿大陸女人來比, 還特別關注上海人。這顯然是不自信的表現。香港女人應該有世界眼光,而不是總盯著大陸。

香港女生都一種特別SMART(聰慧)的氣質..在中國人身上難找到的 台灣女生則是有一種賢雅的感覺...亦是比較特別的

賢雅?是什麼意思阿 @@ 我也想要smart...

如果有一天你破產了, 在路邊乞食, 你娶的S城的美女會失蹤一個月,然後出現, 美麗十倍, 有如公主一坑, 很深情地對你說, "你是有真本事的,只是運氣不好. 我對不起你" 然後扔下一隻 五卡鑽石. "再去奮鬥,你一定成功." 如果你娶的是香港女人, 她會披頭散頭, 一身比你還臭, 找兩隻破碗, 一隻給你, 自己拿一隻, 對你吼: "我到那邊討飯,你給我認真點討嫶, 如果還是到處看女人,老娘打破你的頭." 那個美,你說.
John Han,


社會不論大小,都有一個看不見的社會金字塔結構存在。在我所見到過的香港女孩當中,有屬于塔尖的,也有屬于中間地帶,甚至 是金字塔底部的。(英文原文: There's always this invisible social pyramid exist in every society, whether it is in a big scale or small scale. There are women I met from Hong Kong that are in the upper social-scales, and there are also women from the mid-range or lower. The writer of this essay clearly didn't realize that not too many people from the bottom of the pyramid in Hong Kong got to the top, and the one that remains on the top stays on the top, because they have money and power, simply said. What's funny about this social pyramid is that it acts like a jello/pudding complex. You can place the top and bottom together in a mode, but eventually when you eat it, they will seperate into different layers. That's what women in Hong Kong is all about... You can't simply just address this problem by "oh, they feel confident and have high respect in social grounds; but they also have low self-esteem." You are addressing two distinctively different groups of women and they cannot be compared like this. Th! ey act just like the two groups of women in everywhere. The only similarity you can see in HK women is the hypertension from a small but densely populated area, where facing people 24/7 in such a frequency can drive everyone nuts. Most women are bothered by tons of mind games playing at anywhere possible, since this place also play by the rules of gossips and rumors,a major product of tuna-can social pressure. All of these can suggest the psychological dissatisfactions that many had in HK on beauty assurance, whether you are in upper or lower class. At last, how would you just simply trust a market PRODUCT survey by a private company? Think of all the uncertainties... I would suggest you to watch McDull, a cartoon created by HK local artists that simply tells the tale of life in HK, then you will understand the woes of HK women. )
lalagirls, China/USA

In fact most of the Hong Kong people feel superior to the mainland Chinese people.
They think Hong Kong belongs to the civilized west while the mainland is a dirty poor third world country.
Take a look at how the Hong Kong tabloids treat Zhang Ziyi and Guo Jingjing. They try very hard to destroy them. The tabloids reflect local people's mood.
L. L. Lee, USA

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