Wednesday, May 23, 2018

想當「斜槓青年」?先從了解你需要的工作組合開始 | 黛安.穆卡伊(Diane Mulcahy) / 獨評讀好書 | 獨立評論

想當「斜槓青年」?先從了解你需要的工作組合開始 | 黛安.穆卡伊(Diane Mulcahy) / 獨評讀好書 | 獨立評論: "我們永遠無法判斷哪些工作、技能或經驗,日後對我們最重要,或是能為完美的機會做好準備。唯有跟著興趣和好奇心走,全力以赴,才是上策。在考量工作組合的內涵時,以下可做為選擇工作的依據。"


Sunday, May 20, 2018

Meet Amanda Goff, or Samantha X, high-class hooker and mum of two.

Meet Amanda Goff, or Samantha X, high-class hooker and mum of two.:

out of mind

Samantha X Angels: Amanda Goff launches escort agency in Sydney: "“For some reason, my story has triggered something. I think the fact that I’m educated, professional, normal, that’s challenged a lot of people’s perceptions about what it means to work in this industry. “A lot of people have contacted me saying ‘thank you for being honest’, I want to do it too’. I can’t cope with the amount of emails from people from all over the world. They’re women who’ve flirted with the idea of (becoming a call girl) and realised it’s not necessarily what they first thought.”"