Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Can we be Jersey?

List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jersey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bermuda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

意外的,世界這樣的國家,也不在少數。而且還是在查GDP時發現的,個個名列前茅。然後很多都是英國搞出來的。 XD


Estonia GDP in PPP is around 19,692 and we are 30,687 ranked 25th on the 2006 census.
We are a independent country in all aspects. I am so sick of all the 無意義爭辯定義意識型態耍嘴皮子。
how can it be so hard, to declare the most basic identity, proudly tell the world who I am and where I am from?

Monday, October 22, 2007

Ubuntu 7.10 加 Windows Vista,超華麗雙重開機

Mobile01 本站新聞:

當一件東西太過出名,就會有人刻意不去用它,通常並不是因為東西不好,而是它們的粉絲太煩人了,像Apple、Sony、哈波利特等等,(I cannot agree more with it...those annoying apple fans)有點怕 Ubuntu也快步上後塵了。我並不想讓自己聽起來像Linux的盲目崇拜者,我認同並尊重Ubuntu的理念,但不會認為用Windows的就是枯燥無 聊穿西裝的白痴(不然就罵到自己了XD)。 Ubuntu還有許多地方要加強,很多是整個Linux社群和軟硬體廠商要一起努力的,大家不妨給Ubuntu、給眾多Linux一個機會, Mandrake、Fedora、SUSE都很好用,也都內建Compiz Fusion,越多使用者就越能鼓勵他們改進,反正它們好玩、免錢又漂亮。就算不想灌也沒關係,至少記住這些名字並留下「Linux也可以被一般人接受」 的印象。

隨著Ubuntu 7.10的釋出,Mark Shuttleworth也宣佈8.04版(代號Hardy Heron),從版號就知道將在2008年四月推出,這版的重要性是它會掛上LTS(Long Term Support),上一個LTS版已經是久遠的6.06版了。LTS代表官方會有三年的更新支援,而非一般的18個月,Ubuntu每半年就改版一次,三 年的支援是很大的承諾,通常只有非常穩定、最佳化的版本才會掛LTS,7.04和7.10都還在實驗一些新技術,8.04將會是集大成之作。用一句老話做 結尾,讓我們拭目以待吧!

Ubuntu, Mark Shutterworth and software development jardons

Mobile01 本站新聞: "萬眾期待,Ubuntu 7.10終於出了!先不要往下看,趕快去抓ISO檔比較重要(抓 PC (Intel x86) desktop CD 版本就好了),別錯過這個目前網路上話題性最高的Linux了~~"

Mark Shuttleworth - Google 搜尋
Mark Shuttleworth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Benevolent Dictator for Life - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "A benevolent dictator for life is usually the head of an open source software project that is given the final word in most decisions."
Fork (software development) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
branching(software) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jargon File- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
KDE - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Star City, Russia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kernel (computer science) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Linux Kongress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
linux.conf.au - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

自由軟體技術交流網 -: "XOOPS 正體中文 Big5 版 (20071017-1)


the futurist - 奈恩比(John Naisbitt) - China
BBC 中文網 | 中國報導 | 科學發展觀正式寫入中共黨章

這也太噁了吧 通篇沒有一句公正的話只是歌功頌德的形容詞堆砌
看了眼睛好痛 @@(吐) 真後悔看了他...

《包立德專欄》 把咖啡大眾化進行到底 | 專欄 | cnt.reuters.com

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

非洲小國 六代國王遭咒死


"非洲小國 六代國王遭咒死





Thursday, October 11, 2007

中國、印度生產生物燃料可能加劇用水短缺 | 亞洲 | cnt.reuters.com

中國、印度生產生物燃料可能加劇用水短缺 | 亞洲 | cnt.reuters.com:

路透奧斯陸10月11日電(記者Alister Doyle)---國際水管理研究院(IWMI)周四發表報告稱,中國和印度利用人工灌溉的玉米和甘蔗製造生物燃料的計劃可能會加劇用水短缺,並危及糧食生產。


At first when i read the title, I want to scream - heeey, hands off from my food! Don't you know that you do not even have enough food for your people to eat. Give up the stupid plan first promoted by the unthoughtful westerners.

But keep reading, I found there's surely a problem. They want to lower the dependence on those countries exporting gasoline and also reduce the greenhouse gas emission. But ... biofuel is definitely not for you, those who have poor, hungry people more than half of the population.

We are people who wants to be God. We found we are run out of sources, we want to find some way to solve, we thought we got it.

But again, we only find again how stupid we are and fragile in God's hand. The wealth goes to some very small group of people, the destruction is what most people gonna take, as it always is.

Monday, October 08, 2007

The acquisition of ABN AMRO

ABN AMRO - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
荷蘭銀行千億美元交易立下里程碑: "M&A Milestone: $101 Billion Deal For ABN Amro"



請看看這一段,"RBS將得到荷銀的投資銀行和企業金融業務,以及在亞洲的據點;Fortis拿到財富和資產管理部門;義大利和巴西分行則進入Santander 的口袋中。RBS企金業務大為增加,使它在商業銀行領域,變成英國和歐陸第1大,美國及亞洲第5大。裁員無可避免,大約1.9萬人得打包回家。"
一整個就是活人生吃阿,一群豺狼組個隊來狩獵,你吃手我吃腳,挖掉心臟再配個頭,ABN AMRO到底是怎樣在一年內歷經史上最大的銀行購併戰爭,和牽涉無數的國家規定法令爭議終於走到這一步的呢?
ABN AMRO曾經是AIESEC的驕傲阿...總而言之就是感覺很奇妙

Deal Journal - WSJ.com : The $101 Billion Lessons of ABN Amro
看到這個標題我笑了,現在是流行什麼都要寫個billion lessons嗎?
EBays Billion Lesson in the Value of Hype 這世界阿...

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

BBC 以2.03億美元買下Lonely Planet

Taiwan.CNET.com : 新聞專區 : 網路通訊 : BBC 以2.03億美元買下Lonely Planet
CNET新聞專區:綜合外電  02/10/2007

英國國家廣播電台旗下的商業部門BBC Worldwide以1億英鎊(相當於2.03億美元)買下Lonely Planet公司。

BBC週一表示,Lonely Planet創始人 Maureen 與Tony Wheeler將保留25%股權。
這對佳偶當初是在倫敦 The Regent's Park公園板凳上相遇,之後以「一輛老爺車、幾塊錢,加上一點冒險精神」歷經一次亞洲蜜月之旅後,便在1972年成立了專門以旅遊指南為主的出版社。

Wheelers在一份新聞稿中表示,「加入BBC Worldwide可讓我們的公司得以在一個全球知名媒體下繼續生存。」

Lonely Planet總部位於澳洲墨爾本,出版超過500多種旅遊指南。該公司目前有500多位員工,以及多達300位的旅遊作家。

BBC Worldwide執行長John Smith表示,這樁交易可協助BBC成為「全球領先的內容事業」。Smith表示,該公司希望能擴大線上品牌,並增加北美與澳洲的業務。


What happened exactly with Skype in the past one year, after I left?

Wednesday, November 29, 2006 at 3:40 PM PT
One need not look farther than Apple and the Spindler years to see what happens to a successfully disruptive “tech” company when it’s taken over by “Marketing” folks.

When I first heard that Skype was being aquired by eBay, I was willing to give it time to see what came of the acquisition; I haven’t been disappointed yet. I only hope that Skype continues to improve it’s client programs and network as it has in the past year.

Good luck Neo-Skype, if you fail where you’ve risen, I’m more than sure someone will be there to pick up the pieces…

(See Napster –> Kazaa, Spindler-Apple –> Jobs-Apple, SuprNova –> The Pirate Bay, for “torch grabbing” details)

Ian Horner on December 1st, 2006 at 8:43 am - # "

" Hmmm…

This is just a hunch, but I would guess that the pre-acquisition fire-ees are being scraped up off the London sidewalks right about now, if their buddies haven’t already tossed them into tart-filled private limos for the ride home (tart = hooker). As for the poor sods who joined Skype after the deal thinking they were joining a dynamic web 2.0 powerhouse, and then got fired a few weeks or months into the job, I guess they’ll be telling their kids “it’s scientific experiments for the lot of you”.

Suds McKenzie on November 29th, 2006 at 11:18 pm - # "

Friday, December 15, 2006 at 10:08 AM PT

Luxembourg, December 15th, 2006 – Skype today announced two key personnel changes. Alex Kazim, Skype’s President, will be leaving Skype in January to return to eBay. Kazim, an 8-year eBay veteran, joined Skype immediately following eBay’s acquisition of the company 14 months ago. He was responsible for product development and innovation at Skype and reported to Niklas Zennström, Skype’s Chief Executive Officer.


Monday, October 1, 2007 at 9:58 AM PT

"Skype’s business model (is)was fundamentally flawed.

Adding subscribers will constantly reduce calls that generate revenue and if everyone in the world were to get skype, it will have zero revenue.

There is a critical point beyond which having to maintain infra-structure costs a lot more than revenues. With 220 Million accounts, my calculation says that Skype reached that point a while ago !!

Most businesses would love hockey stick growth, skype would collapse even if it hit halfway!

The management & VCs sold out at a good time.

As PT Barnum said .. there is sucker born every minute.

Satish Sharma on October 1st, 2007 at 3:15 pm - #"

October 1, 2007, 1:19 pm
"Here’s a suggestion to every Internet executive: take a Post-It note, write “EBay wasted $3 billion on Skype” and stick it to your monitor. Stare at it the next time some hot social whatever-2.0 company comes by and talks about growing fast and finding a revenue model later."

“Right after the bust, people started focusing on business models and revenue,” said Greg Sterling, a Silicon Valley analyst and consultant. “There has been a little bit of departure on that, with a focus on building the biggest audience and figuring that revenues will follow. That is the attitude that has prevailed over the last couple years, and it may not be sound.”


I am wondering a issue which may trouble the investors and CEOs for long - how to evaluate a company?
Skype is where the employees are happy, kind of techie geek atmosphere. But when it comes to Wall Street and San Jose, people only care about one thing - profit.
When people do what they like, being happy, they are able to do the right thing. 大手和過於天真的小朋友,接下來的結局會是什麼呢?
也許現在有點事後諸葛的意味,但或許當初的感覺的確正確,我喜歡其上摘錄的評論"One need not look farther than Apple and the Spindler years to see what happens to a successfully disruptive “tech” company when it’s taken over by “Marketing” folks."
Skype那種歐陸Tech guy的自由氣氛,和eBay美國的那種零售業威勢確實難以相容吧。




華爾街日報 管美國的人在看

2007/08/01 【聯合報╱編譯陳世欽/報導】
【2007/08/01 聯合報】

Engadgetオフライン東京、10月4日にGoogle渋谷オフィスで開催決定 - Engadget Japanese

Engadgetオフライン東京、10月4日にGoogle渋谷オフィスで開催決定 - Engadget Japanese: "Posted Oct 1st 2007 5:25AM by kentaro"

好酷,我也想去shibuya office玩。