Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Berlin-Brandenburg International Airport

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Berlin-Brandenburg International Airport


The City of Berlin, as would be expected from the capital of a major European country like Germany, has a problem with rapidly expanding volumes of air traffic. The current airport facilities at Tempelhof, Tegel and Schoenfeld are inadequate for future projected air traffic to the city. Tegel and Tempelhof cannot be expanded as they are surrounded by urban areas and the only real option for expansion of airport facilities is Schoenfeld airport in the Southeast of the city.

Berlin City Council has taken the stance that the completion of massive new airport facilities is a matter of need as well as of prestige. The only option for them is to expand Schoenfeld airport to form the new Berlin Brandenberg International (BBI) Airport, which will be capable of handling all of Berlin's air traffic needs, and to close Tegel and Tempelhof. The plans for BBI were first put forward in 2000 but due to legal and financing problems the airport expansion has been delayed.


The official construction permit for the airport expansion at Schoenfeld was granted in 2003. Since then, the finance has been finalised and detailed planning and preparations have been made for the construction.

The main obstacle to construction starting properly is a court case about the expansion, which is due to be heard in the Bundesverwaltungsegericht (German Administrative court) in February 2006 as part of a test case for The Transportation Route Planning Acceleration Act.

Following a positive outcome, construction will start in mid-2006 and the airport will be completed by 2011. Tempelhof Airport will then be closed in the same year and Tegel Airport shortly after.


The Berlin-Schoenfeld northern runway will be closed and demolished, the existing southern runway will be lengthened and a completely new runway constructed south of the new BBI Terminal. This will give the airport two parallel runways with a mid-field terminal building to save space.

The airport will be equipped with gates, runways and taxiways capable of handling even the largest super jumbos such as the new A380. The airport will also be integrated into a new road and rail infrastructure to allow good communication and short travelling distance to the centre of Berlin and the rest of Germany.

Transport facilities will include a direct motorway connection as well as a high-speed ICE train station directly underneath the terminal. An express train connection will be able to transport passengers into Berlin city-centre in under 20 minutes. The city will be only 30 minutes away by car or shuttle bus. The BBI will allow Berlin the distinction of being the European capital with the shortest distance to an international airport.

The BBI will be constructed to serve an initial 20 million passengers by 2011, with the possibility of undertaking additional expansion work to increase that number to 40 million by 2030. The BBI is also planned to have an airport centre, which will contain a range of hotels, retail areas, cafes, bars, restaurants and conference centres.


Part of the complexity of the project has surrounded the reluctance to privatise Berlin Brandenburg Flughafen, the owner of the Berlin airports. The company was set up as a publicly-owned operation, with the majority of shares going to the government of Brandenburg (37%) and the authority of Berlin (37%); the rest is held by the federal government (26%).

The conclusion to the negotiations came in November 2002 when the investment consortium, Berlin-Brandenburg International Partner BBIP, led by IVG Holding (Flughafen Wien, Deutsche Bank AG, Caisse des Depots) and Hotchief Airport GmbH, offered to buy 100% of the shares for a consideration of €290 million. The BBIP consortium also agreed to provide a total of €650 million of capital and to acquire any additional land needed for the airport expansion.

The plans called for €1.7 billion to be invested, including technical equipment. 75% of the required services were opened for bids to encourage competition. The Federal government agreed to bear the costs for the railway (€496 million) and road infrastructure (€76 million).

In addition, the plans called for several villages to be displaced. The government agreed to resettle the people of Diepensee (300) and Selchow at a cost of €32.7 million and €81.8 million respectively.

The airport concession period, as part of the Build Operate Transfer (BOT) agreement, is 99 years. To prevent any problematic dealings with this airport expansion an independent organisation, Transparency International Deutschland e.V was appointed to oversee all further business dealings.


The village sites have been occupied by archaeologists contracted to dig for any important findings before the site is lost forever beneath runway construction. A 1.9km seepage basin has been constructed south of the current airport to handle wastewater from the construction site and prevent contamination of the groundwater.


In 1999, the German construction company Hochtief won the bid, but it was thrown out due to allegations of industrial espionage and viewing of sealed bids. Hochtief was excluded from bidding a second time by the German courts. Hotchief was then exonerated or no charges were brought and they were subsequently allowed to take part in the process again.

IVG Holding and Hotchief, previously bitter rivals, formed a new consortium and managed to forge a deal to build the new airport.

Following a positive outcome in February 2006, construction of Berlin-Brandenburg International Airport will start in mid-2006 and be completed by 2011.

Following a positive outcome in February 2006, construction of Berlin-Brandenburg International Airport will start in mid-2006 and be completed by 2011.

Layout of Berlin Schoenfeld Airport prior to expansion into the BBI.

Layout of Berlin Schoenfeld Airport prior to expansion into the BBI.

A 1.9km seepage basin has been constructed south of the current airport to handle wastewater from the construction site and prevent contamination of the groundwater.

A 1.9km seepage basin has been constructed south of the current airport to handle wastewater from the construction site and prevent contamination of the groundwater.

Two villages will be displaced by the new airport. Archaeologists have been brought in to dig for any important findings before the site is lost forever beneath runway construction.

Two villages will be displaced by the new airport. Archaeologists have been brought in to dig for any important findings before the site is lost forever beneath runway construction.

Layout of the new Berlin-Brandenburg International Airport.

Layout of the new Berlin-Brandenburg International Airport.

Friday, September 01, 2006

奧地利名畫1.35億美元售出 成史上最昂貴畫作

06/20/2006/10:16 華夏經緯網

中新網6月20日電 奧地利已故名畫家克林姆(Gustav Klimt)于1907年所畫的《黃金畫作》(Adele Bloch-Bauer I),近日以1.35億美元天價賣出。據香港明報報道,該畫作所售價格已超越04年拍賣畢加索《拿煙斗的少年》的1.04億美元紀錄,成史上最貴畫作。


  《黃金畫作》是猶太糖廠東主夫人阿德勒.布洛赫鮑爾(Adele Bloch-Bauer)的肖像,畫中人莊嚴端坐,眼神迷離,紅唇富有美感。為配合布洛赫鮑爾的華貴形象,克林姆特別在背景及襯裙用上燦爛的金色,更花上3年才完成畫作。美術史專家普遍認為,于1918年逝世的克林姆可能戀上布洛赫鮑爾夫人。


  布洛赫鮑爾家族的90歲後人阿爾特曼,透過佳士得拍賣行把《黃金畫作》賣給美容界巨子勞德(Ronald S. Lauder)。他形容道﹕“這是我們的蒙娜麗莎,簡直是畢生最重要的投資。” 該畫作將安排在其開設于美國曼哈頓的新畫廊(Neue Galerie)展覽。

  《黃金畫作》連同4幅克林姆名畫,包括《阿德勒.布洛赫鮑爾二》(Adele Bloch-Bauer II)、《Beechwood》、《蘋果樹》(Apple Tree I)及《Houses in Unterach on Lake Atter》,于二戰期間被納粹德軍從布洛赫鮑爾家搶走,輾轉落到奧地利政府手上。另外4幅克林姆名畫合共約值1億美元。



  克林姆(1862-1918)生於奧地利維也納附近一個金匠家庭,因父親生意淡薄,故家境清貧。他于1879至1883年間入讀維也納美工學 校,接受室內裝潢的訓練,並展開繪畫生涯。其主要作品包括油畫、壁畫及素描等,以刻劃女性身體為主,因意識大膽而于上世紀初被視為離經叛道。



[新聞] The World's Most Powerful Women

DWNEWS.COM-- 2006年9月2日11:56:22(京港台時間) --多維新聞

多維社記者江天報導/9月1日﹐最新一期《福布斯》公布了2006年“全球最有影響力女性”的排名榜﹐德國總理默克爾取代美國國務卿賴斯﹐成為全球最有影 響力的女性。賴斯排名第2﹐中國國務院副總理吳儀名列第3。在前10名的排名中﹐除了默克爾﹑賴斯﹑吳儀外﹐其余都是商界精英。(



中國人民銀行副行長吳曉靈﹐《福布斯》對她的評價是﹐世界上沒有第二個女人在中國財政界的影響力超過吳曉靈。1998年亞洲金融危機時﹐是她讓人們對中國 經濟和人民幣恢復了信心﹐這也為她贏得了聲譽。對于海爾集團總裁楊綿綿﹐《福布斯》的評價是﹐中國最具影響力的商業女性之一。(


此外﹐美國第一夫人勞拉也初次上榜﹐排名第43位。同時﹐還有排名第46位的英國女王伊麗莎白二世。去年位居榜單第3名的烏克蘭前總理季莫申科﹐已經在今 年的榜單上難尋其蹤影了﹐菲律賓總統阿羅約也從去年的第4位大步滑落到今年的第45位。首富比爾.蓋茨的夫人梅林達.蓋茨從去年的第10位降到今年的第 12位。 在去年的排行榜中﹐賴斯名列第一﹐當時身為德國反對黨領袖的默克爾還默默無聞﹐榜上無名。但經過一番激烈的選戰﹐這位前東德物理學家竟將縱橫政壇的施羅德 挑落馬下﹐一舉成為德國首位女總理。盡管上任不久﹐默克爾已經以她獨特的“安靜外交”贏得了國內外的尊敬﹐美國總統布什和英國首相布萊爾等世界政要都為之 一震。不過﹐她從前任那裡繼承了一個疲軟的經濟攤子﹐又與美國結盟與伊朗作對﹐更為艱難的戰斗正等待著她。(



在意大利出生的印度國大黨主席索尼婭.甘地名列13。作為娛樂業的領袖﹐迪斯尼副董事長安妮.斯威尼排名第15位﹐MTV的首席執行官朱迪.麥克格茲排名 52位。而索尼影視娛樂公司董事長艾米.帕斯卡爾和美國哥倫比亞廣播公司旗下派拉蒙電視集團總裁蘭西.坦萊姆分別名列第60名和第75名。

DWNEWS.COM-- 2006年9月2日5:21:58(京港台時間) --多維新聞

据蘋果日報報道,世界權威商業雜誌《福布斯》前天(周四)第三度公布全球最具權勢女性排行榜, 100名女強人主要來自政界和商界,德國總理默克爾( Angela Merkel)初次上榜,即領導群雌高踞榜首,成為全球最具權勢女性,將兩連冠的美國國務卿賴斯( Condoleezza Rice)擠到次席。 (

上榜的百大女性中有30人是政府高官,較去年的24人略增,但頭十位只有三人從政,除了默克爾和賴斯外,就是中國副總理吳儀,她亦由去年第二位下降一級至 第三位,亦是躋身十大的唯一亞洲政治女強人。第四至十位都是商界女強人,居首的是美國百事可樂公司( PepsiCo)候任行政總裁努伊( Indra Nooyi)。 (

最具權勢的女傳媒人是美國名嘴奧花雲費( Oprah Winfrey)。美國紐約州參議員希拉莉( Hillary Rodham Clinton)競選下屆總統呼聲愈來愈高,排名亦由去年的26上升至今年的18。美國最大規模的慈善機構、蓋茨伉儷基金會早前資金倍增,蓋茨夫人梅琳達 ( Melinda Gates)的排名亦升上 12。 (

英國首位女外相貝嘉晴( Margaret Beckett)首次上榜,排名 29,是英國最具權勢女性。新聞工作者中,則以排名 54的美國哥倫比亞廣播公司( CBS)新聞主播庫里克( Katie Couric)為最高。 (

《福布斯》表示,編輯排行榜的準則包括新聞曝光率和經濟影響力。  德國鐵娘子 默克爾「做事似在打仗」 默克爾是現任德國總理,是歷來登上這個權勢寶座的第一名女性。來自前東德的她,經歷了嚴酷的共產統治,加上幼承庭訓,就是「任何事都要像打仗」,她作風硬 朗,看風轉舵,所以有「德國鐵娘子」稱號。 (

去年 10月贏得大選後,作為首名德國女總理和最年輕總理,她立即外訪美國和中國,讓世界領袖認識自己。 (

踏上男性主導的世界舞台,她沒有給比下去。她揚棄前朝反美政策,反對伊朗核活動,贏得英美讚賞;今年 1月出席聖彼得堡八大國( G8) 會,是場內唯一女性;明年 1月1日,會成為第二位主持G8的女領袖。 (

德國1980年代是第二大經濟強國,因兩德統一要收拾共產經濟爛攤子,令經濟下沉,復蘇緩慢。今年德國主辦世界盃,帶來連串商機,默克爾當然有政治分紅。但復蘇經濟不易,她必須繼續游說外國投資到德國。 (


女性撐起半邊天,今年 100大最具權勢女性,有30個政治人物,比去年 24人增加 6人。默克爾最有權勢,之後就數到美國國務卿賴斯和中國國務院副總理吳儀。 (

賴斯不是美國史上首名女國務卿(首位是克林頓時代的奧爾布賴特),但她是美國首位黑人女國務卿。以黑皮膚代表美國出訪斡旋,賴斯在美伊戰爭和以黎衝突上,都扮演重要角色。她又深得總統喬治布殊信任,在外交上,事無大小都要賴斯。 (

外號「中國鐵娘子」的吳儀,是中美貿易談判老手。由中國入世談判到中美知識產權談判,她作風硬朗,在國內外聲名鵲起。去年 5月,她取消和日本首相小泉純一郎的會晤回國,向多次參拜靖國神社的小泉還以顏色。她又多次臨危受命, 2003年沙士肆虐期間,就兼任衞生部長,近日又力薦陳馮富珍角逐世界衞生組織總幹事。 (

數政治權勢人物,當然還有昂山素姬,她被軍政府長期軟禁,但堅毅不屈的精神使她成為緬甸民主希望;如果現任美國參議員的希拉莉2008年選總統又獲選,那麼她肯定又是第一最具權勢女性。 (

傳媒王后 名嘴奧花雲費身家 78億(

用一張嘴、一支筆贏得權勢的傳媒女性不算多,但必數美國女名嘴奧花雲費。榜上排14的她主持電視清談節目,以直說敢言見稱,每推介一本書都能「點書成 金」。現時更踩過界辦《 The Oraph Magazine》和《 O at Home》等雜誌,投資有線電視頻道 Oxyhen Media,又開 Oprah & Friends頻道,逐漸變成傳媒女王。(

她身家估計超過 10億美元(約78億港元)。 奧花雲費以外,現時美國最炙手可熱的新聞女主播是庫里克( Katie Couric),她在全國廣播公司( NBC)觀眾多達 840萬,今年更被哥倫比亞廣播公司以 1,500萬美元(約1.1億港元)天價挖角,替代丹拉瑟( Dan Rather)成為晚間新聞王牌主播。 (

可是庫里克日前被踢爆一張宣傳照曾加工瘦身,令她的主播公信力受質疑。 (

商界女強人 印度裔醒目女執掌百事(

現年 50歲的努伊( Indra Nooyi)在榜上排第4,下月將正式出任百事可樂的行政總裁,年薪逾 500萬美元( 3,900萬港元),是歷來在美國大企業爬得最高位的印度裔女強人。 (

努伊自小在印度長大, 23歲出國到美國耶魯大學讀書,畢業後先後在藥劑業強生公司( Johnson & Johnson)、服飾公司 Mettur Beardsell、電訊巨子摩托羅拉( Motorola)工作,於1994年加盟百事可樂,在她的努力經營下,成功扭轉百事可樂的公司形象,僅用了 12年就攀上百事可樂的行政總裁。 (

她做人醒目,處事公正,令同事對她心悅誠服。如果以公司收入排名作標準,努伊將成為全美企業第二大最有權勢女性。 (


明日世界是屬於高科技的,但在科技世界中女性不遜色,大科技公司也有女高層,這 是兩個代表人物。 (

打印機巨擘美國施樂( Xerox)公司主席兼行政總裁米爾凱( Anne Mulcahy),在榜上排第5的她 30年前由施樂的營業代表,一步步向上爬,至2002年終攀升至最高位。她非常能幹,一上任即以完善顧問服務和彩色打印,把施樂帶出困境,最近推出籌備多 年的iGen3打印機,力求重振雄風。 (

美國企業軟件公司甲骨文( Oracle)總裁兼財務總監卡茲( Safra Catz)則被譽為矽谷( Silicon Valley)最具影響力的女人。 (

她為了帶領甲骨文稱霸企業軟件界,挑戰一哥德國公司 SAP地位,曾主導多宗併購鯨吞競爭對手,包括仁科( Peoplesoft)和 Siebel Systems等,令甲骨文業務急促發展。 (